August 7, 2009

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Back on track! Sorry about the outage there, First was Connecticon then some unsheduled Internet downage. But here we are.

Okay, some news. I went to Connecticon this weekend. It was definately a much different experience being behind a table than it was walking around. I'm not sure if I'll do it again. I also ended up with a LOT of extra merchandise (Faulty Logic stickers and copies of a silly poster) that I'm not fully sure what to do with, but I do have an idea. I'll update you with that as it develops.

I also met a lot of very nice people, and I'll do a big link bomb as soon as I piece together exactly who belongs to what comic. (I'm apparently quite bad at that) However, there is one thing from the convention I wanted to mention.

At the convention a webcomic auction was held for charity, and a kind couple made a generous donation to Child's Play to have the Veterinarian modeled after them. So give a big thanks to Helen Kaelin! Our latest Dissonance character. (She'll be in the next few comics and will likely recur in later arcs)

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